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  • 46%

    of employees take on more shifts as they have immediate access to their earned wage

  • 54%

    of those who have access to EarlyPay class this benefit as ‘most important’

  • 80%

    of employees feel more loyal to their employer due to their on-demand pay benefit

Thrive with EarlyPay financial guidance

Access EarlyPay provides your employees with a comprehensive financial education by granting them access to our meticulously curated library of expert guidance and proven strategies for effective money management, all accessible within the EarlyPay app.

Keep payroll simple

With Access EarlyPay, you can deliver on-demand pay without complicating your payroll processes. When an employee takes money out of their earned pay, EarlyPay does all the hard work; sending the money to the employee and automatically logging the withdrawal & fees in your payroll system. All you have to do is simply run payroll as you usually would and we’ll take care of the rest.

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Continued cash flow

When payday comes, your employees receive their wages with any withdrawals and fees shown as deductions. These are automatically collected from you through Direct Debit, which means your cashflow is never impacted.

How it works


Your employee withdraws £100 

Money sent to employee

Access EarlyPay sends £100 to the employee’s bank 

Logged with payroll

A £100+ fee is logged into your payroll system

Reconciled with payroll

At pay reconciliation, the £100 fee is shown as a deduction

Collected by Direct Debit

Your employee receives their net pay, payroll is processed by the employer, and Access EarlyPay receives £100+ fee by schedule Direct Debit 

EarlyPay! AMAZING! This app has been a massive help. Firstly it’s dead easy to use. Select the amount of your monthly earnings you want to draw down and boom its in your account in seconds. Where it helps me is in that last week before pay day, especially an expensive month such as December. I can pull some money forward to prevent an overdraft charge. Sorry Banks! Brilliant early access to money I have earn’t. Thoroughly recommend.

Easy Poppa – App Store Review *****

The Co-Operative Bank: Access EarlyPay case study

Find out just how simple offering on-demand pay has been at The Co-operative bank, from Head of People Delivery, Ruth Clarke

Every payment made easy

As the experts, we’re on hand to help you manage your payments across our range of hassle-free solutions.

Are you ready to benefit from a more engaged and loyal workforce?

Give your employees the flexibility to access their wages when they need it most with Access EarlyPay.